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Drainage Tilers

Let’s talk about dirt.

If you dig it, haul it, grade it, or plant it in the ground, then you need to be insured with Farmers Union Insurance of Franklin. Excavators, landscapers, farmers, gravel haulers, cement contractors and more: make sure you are covered for your equipment, vehicles and liability in case of damage or injury.

Most of the time, customers do not want to hear from insurance agents until something goes wrong and you are in need. Let us keep the fun in insurance and make sure you are covered before accidents happen. 

If the time arises to file a claim, you want to make sure your $250,000 excavator is covered! Sadly, we see too often that businesses forget to add new pieces of machinery to their existing policies. To prevent this from happening to you, we make sure to review your coverage annually to ensure that all new equipment is covered and sold off machinery is no longer added in. Then when it comes time to file your claim, you are left to dry without any insurance coverage. Let’s not let that be you and your business.

The Harmoning Agency is your local stop for insurance coverage. We are fellow community members ready to help you and your drainage tiler business find the best coverage for your needs. We are here for you at all hours of the day, knowing that problems do not arise only during normal business hours. Contact us today to review your business’ insurance needs today.

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