This time of the year, the weather can be especially unpredictable. However, we can usually expect to see some snow and even some ice or blizzard conditions. Living in Minnesota in winter can be so beautiful! But it’s also really important to be prepared for winter emergencies so you can prevent potential injuries or damage to property.
Winter Home Maintenance Tips
At home, be sure to stay on top of winter maintenance tasks like shoveling. It’s important to keep your sidewalks shoveled as best you can. Plus, you’ll want to clear the snow from your driveway as well as any steps you might have leading into your house. Keeping all doors clear of snow so they can be used in emergencies is also really critical to making sure you and your family stay safe this winter.

Depending on your neighborhood or homeowner’s association rules, you may want to consider adding salt or sand to sidewalks when it’s icy. Salting or sanding in addition to shoveling snow at your home can help prevent falls—for you, your family, and any guests or delivery people that stop by.
Other things to do include clearing your roof after a heavy snow, which can prevent roof damage from the weight of the snow and from ice dams as well. Indoors, be sure that you have adequate insulation to keep pipes from freezing, especially when we reach those below-zero temps.

You’re also responsible for making sure that all of the entrances and exits of your commercial building are accessible. Since snow can easily be tracked in from outside, be sure to have absorbent, non-slip mats at every door to prevent puddles from collecting. This keeps things a bit cleaner, but it also cuts back on the potential for someone to slip and fall because of melting snow indoors.
Staying on top of snow removal at your business is first and foremost a critical way to keep you, your customers, and your employees safe. Safety is naturally a top priority and performing winter maintenance can help prevent claims due to customer or employee injuries as well.
Winter Business Maintenance
As with your home, you’ll want to make sure that you keep your business sidewalks shoveled and easy to use for your customers. If your business has a driveway or parking lot, it’s a good idea to invest in equipment to help you move snow quickly or hire someone to keep these areas plowed.
Be Prepared All Year Long
Plenty of winter hazards exist, and you can help reduce the potential for claims or injuries by being prepared for winter emergencies at home and at work. Please call us to review your insurance coverage and make sure you’re prepared for anything all year long.