You have noticed drastic changes in your insurance coverage and you are ready to make the switch. Switching insurance companies may feel like a daunting, intensive process. Without an agent, you are your own advocate for comparing insurance rates, coverage and understanding the fineprint. Harmoning Agency has over 23 years of experience in helping our customers get insurance coverage while knowing what they are buying for a fair price.
We often get phone calls regarding what is needed for switching insurance coverage. Are you looking into doing business with Harmoning Agency but don't know where to begin? Listen in as our Insurance Agent, Shylyn Lothert, shares which pieces of information are needed.
Needed Documents for Changing Insurance
We appreciate you choosing the Harmoning Agency for your insurance coverage needs! Below is a list of information that is needed for us to bid insurance quotes on your behalf.
Moving Insurance Checklist
- Home Address
- Email Address
- Date of Birth
- Phone Number
- Social Security Number
- Driver's License Number - Same information for other household members/drivers
Auto Insurance Quote Checklist
Same information needed for moving insurance in addition to the following checklist:
- VIN Numbers
- Year
- Make
- Model
- Vehicle Usage
- Lienholder Information if the vehicle is leased or financed
- Desired Coverage
- Any Optional Coverages
Home Insurance Quote Checklist
Same information needed for moving insurance in addition to the following checklist:
- Year the House was Built
- Square Footage
- Year of Any Major Renovations
- Mortgage Information
- Photos of the Property
- Current Insurance Policy Declarations
Personal Coverage from Your Local Insurance Agency
Once you provide us with the necessary information needed for your insurance quote, we will have options for you to choose from for coverage. We understand that one size fits all is not the case for any of our customers. As an insurance agent working on your behalf, we know that your coverage needs to look different depending on your scenario. When we receive quotes, we match you with the best coverage for you and your family's needs.
We believe in you understanding what you are buying. Once you decide on an insurance provider, we will walk you through your new insurance so that you understand the depths of your coverage. Harmoning Agency is your neighborhood insurance agent ready to help you alongside life’s changes. Need help working through a claim or maybe a new vehicle purchase? Give us a call and we’ll help you along the way!